Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Due Date!

And lil fab is okay cooking a little longer.

Last night was my worst night so far. Those pesky contractions started up again around dinner time and were in full affect when it was time to go to bed. I decided to lay down and try to sleep. HA! I woke up about an hour after I laid down, at 12:20am. I got up, turned on the light, and tried to read in between contractions. At one point I got up and just walked around the room for 30 minutes hoping that my changing positions would either 1) pick up the activity and make it real labor, or 2) stop/slow down the activity (since that's what is supposed to happen with Braxton Hicks contractions). Neither happened. The contractions just kept on coming every 10 minutes. I finally laid back down and read again until 3:30 when I was just too tired to keep my eyes open. For the rest of the night I just woke up every 10 minutes. I think I got a grand total of 3-4 hours all put together. Guess this is good prep for when lil fab arrives.

Today I kept myself busy by running a few errands. Two nights ago my car was broken into while it was parked in our driveway. I had gone grocery shopping on Sunday and apparently forgot to lock my car after I was finished unloading the car. When Dave got in my car to drive it to work on Monday he noticed  that it smelled like cigarette smoke and there was a whistle on the floor of the drivers seat. Nothing was taken that we can tell, mostly because I don't keep anything of value in my car. I did have my (relatively) new Kate Spade sunglasses loose in the glove box from the other night when we had our dress rehearsal. But maybe because they weren't in the case or because they were surrounded by lots of CDs the guy didn't notice. Anyway, today I went to a car wash and had the outside washed but the inside detailed. It took an hour but now the dog hair and cigarette smoke are all gone and I've got a very clean car. After the car wash I went to The Container Store and picked up a small storage unit to put all the CDs from my car in so that my glove box just has insurance and registration in it (that part makes Dave very happy; I didn't mind having CDs all over in there, but it drove Dave crazy).

I also ran to the grocery store and got ingredients to make chocolate chip cookies. I haven't made cookies in forever! It was kind of fun, even if I couldn't eat the dough because of the raw egg. :) These chocolate chip cookies are amazing! You would never know they are gluten free. The recipe made a ton of cookies. I plan to give all the single cookies away - to our neighbors and to the nurse and doctor tomorrow at my appointment. I did make a huge cookie with the leftover dough that was all mine. Yummy! I'll have to remember that I can use this recipe to make a cookie cake for my birthday next year.

Please send good vibes for my water to break all on it's own tonight! Or at least good vibes that the contractions stop before I go to bed so I can get some sleep.

Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Merritt, you poor thing! For what it's worth, I would be pretty surprised if you went in tomorrow and hadn't gotten to at least a 2. I'm sorry you're in pain. Walking around helped me during early labor (which you're in) - I couldn't sit still. Also sitting cross-legged on a folded up yoga mat (or towel) and bouncing on an exercise ball (if you have one). If you can do squats during the contractions, that will help him get down on your cervix and open it. Go into the pain!! (Even if you're going to get an epi later.)

    We are all watching with bated breath. You are doing so well. Also, those chocolate chip cookies sound delicious. I may need the recipe soon; thinking of trying gluten-free for a bit. :)

    Good luck tomorrow. I hope Lil Fab decides to come soon!
