This weekend Dave and Riggins are in Nashville, so Parker and I are taking the time to bond. I love weekends with my big doggie. It is so relaxing. He is not as high maintenance as he once was. He likes to chill, sleep on the bed with me, and lay on the couch with me under the heating blanket. Last night we watched shows on DVR on the upstairs TV. We came downstairs to have dinner and to watch more TV. Then we headed to bed around 10:30. This morning I woke up before the alarm, and I stayed and bed and cuddled with Mr. P (see his pic from this morning... he loves to get under the covers and lay his head on the pillow - so cute!). We hung out a little this morning before I headed to the salon for a mani/pedi and a haircut. I left Mr. P out the entire time I was gone and he was a perfect angel. This afternoon we laid on the couch together for hours. We cuddled, napped, watched some TV, and talked to Dave on the phone. Parker and I went on a walk, then played in the backyard. It's so much fun to watch him play in the snow! He goes in circles really, really fast and only stops every once in a while to catch his breath. We are back inside now and getting ready to eat dinner (Parker) and make mine. Tonight has a lot of the same relaxing on the agenda. I'll eat a good dinner (buffalo turkey blue cheese meatloaf) and drink some wine, watch more HGTV and read a book. I hope everyone else is having a relaxing weekend!