Monday, January 9, 2012

Look at that face!!!

My stomach measured big at my 32 week appointment, so the doctor suggested an ultrasound before my 34 week appointment just to make sure everything was okay. She was pretty sure everything would be okay and told me anything between 10th and 90th percentile was considered normal. I wasn't too worried; more so I was excited this little guy might get here early! It turns out lil fab was 5lb 9oz at 34 weeks, which is the 70th percentile. So everything is just fine... he's just on the bigger side. How Dave and I created a big baby I will never understand. Maybe lil fab will tap into some of the height (everything is relative!) on my side of the family.

Dave and I went to the ultrasound on December 28 to get lil fab measured. After taking his measurements in regular ultrasound view, the technician switched to 4D so we could actually "see" lil fab! We thought that was very cool. Plus, they offer 4D for hundreds of dollars and insurance doesn't cover it so Dave and I weren't going to get it done. But the technician did it for free. Once we saw lil fab's face we immediately noticed his nose... it doesn't look like mine or Dave's. Dave is now convinced this could be the Fed Ex guy's child. Rest assured, it is not. And the ultrasound technician said many noses look wide in the 4D images because 1) there isn't a lot of room in there, and 2) the nose still has some adjusting to do at that stage. I do think the lips are right on. And it's funny that he looks a little frustrated... all of those jabs to my sides make sense now!

And we've decided on a name for lil fab: Lawson Gray Gilbert. We love it! Dave actually found the name Lawson in a baby name book. He was looking at Dawson and laughing that the name got very popular when Dawson's Creek was on air. But when looking at suggested sibling names he saw Lawson. So he flipped to Lawson in the book, liked the meaning, noticed it wasn't very popular, and we added it to our list. Gray actually comes from our other lead name of Grayson. We were at a Vanderbilt baseball game last spring and one of Vandy's players is named Grayson. We liked it so we added it to our list both as a first name and shortened to Gray as a middle name. We didn't choose Grayson as a first name for a few reasons: 1) We googled "Grayson Gilbert" and it turns out he is a character (albeit, a dead one) on Vampire Diaries - a teen show on the CW, 2) Grayson has surged in popularity, rising from the mid-200s to #48 on the 2011 list of boys names, and 3) many girls are named Grayson, too (in fact at our December 28 appointment Dave noticed the baby announcement wall and two of the announcements were for babies names Grayson - one girl and one boy).

After seeing his face, we're even more excited to meet Lawson in person!