I ran into my old mentor while in Columbus this week for work. She is the one who helped me get the Gain job. She left P&G last December and HATES her current job. I told her what I was up to and she sent a long note on her advice looking for a new job. I printed it out and am taking it on the plane with me today. The following is what she advises asking new companies:
- Does the company really believe investment in understanding the consumer and investment in marketing will make a difference? What have they done to prove that?
- Will marketing be the center of decisions? Will it still be the driving function?
- Is there a defined career path?
- What's the company culture?
- Ask myself: Do I like how leadership shows up in the press? And will I be comfortable with lest structure or process?
I have lots to think about this week - and a lot of preparation to do! Unfortunately I won't be able to wear my new pants and new heels for Monday's interview because I still need to wear the boot on my right ankle. I am hoping I'll be able to walk on my own by Friday so I can unveil the new clothes for the Frito interview.
Please send good vibes our way Monday and Friday!
Thanks and I'll keep you all posted.