Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

I am a fan of setting New Year's Resolutions... I'll take any opportunity to challenge myself. One year, I believe it was 2007, I gave up M&M's and Skittles. I made it through the entire year without enjoying either snack. Well, almost. I had one slip up at work. I was in a meeting that was running long and ended up going through lunch. One guy's assistant went out to get everyone Subway for lunch. She remembered I couldn't eat bread but that I could eat Skittles, so she brought me Skittles for lunch. It wasn't the most nutritious meal I've ever had but 1) I was desperate to eat because I was hungry, and 2) I didn't want to insult her by not eating the Skittles.

Anyway, this year I have three resolutions (in priority order):
1) Reduce the number of times I crack my knuckles each day. Notice this is reduce, not eliminate. So far I am doing pretty well. I think I've cracked my knuckles about twice a day over the last four days of this New Year. And I used to do it two times an hour, at least. It's completely out of habit and sometimes happens by mistake.
2) Run in a race. This one surprises even me! After the damage I did to my knees while training for the half marathon in 2006 I never thought I would run again. But I miss what running did for my mental health. I have been working with a trainer at our gym once/week for almost two years now, and he has been super helpful at getting me to strengthen the muscles around my knee. I hope to run a relay leg (approximately 7 miles) of the Flying Pig Marathon in Cincinnati the first weekend in May.
3) Start a family.

What are your New Year's Resolutions?

Sunday, January 3, 2010

The first of many (I hope!)

I have been harping on my family members who blog that in order to consider themselves "bloggers" they need to update more than once every two months. So here's my chance to share my thoughts on a more regular basis that the bar that's been set. I will post about my boys - David, my husband, and our two German Shorthair Pointers, Parker and Riggins. I'll undoubtedly share pictures of food and my trials and tribulations with Celiac disease. I hope I keep it interesting for everyone who reads my blog. I am open to suggestions, so please send me your thoughts on how to improve this blog.
