Lawson Gray Gilbert was born on Thursday, February 9, at 5:37pm. He weighed 8lbs 10oz and is 20 inches long. He's a big boy!
We had our first pediatrician appointment yesterday. Dr. Rauth said he looks great and healthy. She gave Lawson a brief physical and checked his weight. When we left the hospital Lawson weighed 7lbs 14oz, but just two days later at this appointment he weighed in at 8lbs 6oz! The doctor, the nurse, and I were impressed. So I guess he's getting the nourishment he needs (even if it can be painful as heck! - we have some learning to do here).
Right now we are all trying to figure out a schedule. We are doing three hour increments of our routine: sleep, eat, wake. Lawson would sleep longer during the day sometimes but I wake him to make sure he's getting enough to eat. At night we do not wake him at three hours from the last feeding and he makes it to 3.5 hours most times. But right now it's all over the board. Our goal is to eventually get up at 4:30am on a regular basis. That way Dave can go to the gym before work and we would get two "decent" sleep periods in over night. So we'll be going to bed early!!! I'm sure we'll adjust several times a day.
Here are a few pics of our little dude over the last 6 days...
Dave is always giving Lawson a lesson of some sort. Here he is teaching Lawson the trick to multiplying any number by 25... :)
My first bath!
I made this onesie (thanks Mom!) for Lawson at my baby shower. Roll Tide Roll! Please do not confuse his yawn for disinterest... he is a big Alabama fan.