We finally used the tortilla press I received for Christmas in 2009! I was a little intimidated to use it, so it stayed in the cabinet. Dave noticed we had Masa Harina in the pantry and suggested we try to make our own corn tortillas for dinner, rather than purchase them from the store. And we are so glad we made them from scratch! They were easy and delicious! Dave doesn't think we should ever by store bought corn tortillas ever again. And I'm pretty much in agreement. The homemade versions didn't break nearly at all and they were a little thicker. We use the corn tortillas to make grilled fish tacos for dinner. Below are pictures that document our process:
Mini corn tortilla balls.
The corn tortilla press!
A corn tortilla ball becomes a corn tortilla after it's been pressed (between wax paper).
Cooking the corn tortilla. Hint: You only need a very little bit of olive oil... don't go even close to overboard. In fact, we probably will just spray some PAM next time.
Finished corn tortillas.
Our toppings for the tacos.
Dave grilled tilapia on the grill and topped it with salsa.
Our finished (empty!) plates. I meant to take a picture of our tacos, but they looked so good we ate them before I remember to take a picture. Trust me, they were delicious.