Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Random Thoughts by Merritt

  • Pregnancy is sexy up until about week 24ish.
  • The last time I peed my pants was in the fifth grade. I rushed home from the bus stop and couldn't find the key in time and peed on the back porch, melting the snow. That is no longer the last time I peed myself (see first bullet point).
  • I love maternity clothes. I've never worn so many stripes and tight shirts. I'm going to miss them.
  • My dogs are awesome. I love them.
  • My husband has been "taking one for the team" since about mid-October. And by that I mean he's been sleeping on the couch most nights because I apparently snore like a freight train (see first bullet point). The last night he made it all the way through in the same bed as me was Christmas Eve. Poor guy has slept less than five nights on our new master bed. Once the baby comes we're looking forward to napping on that bed together in between feedings and diaper changes.
  • My husband loves to cook brinner.
  • After an emotional day last week (some irrational emotions, some legit) he brought home my favorite flowers and I loved it.
  • Men at work don't really make nice comments about my growing belly. Are you having twins? Weren't you due last week? (and that one was asked at week 33... and his wife was pregnant at the time, too) You look big! Um... it's perfectly acceptable to not talk about my appearance. You can talk about the weather if you want.
  • I am very excited to not go to work for a while. I know this will be a different kind of work, but one where I'm the CEO.
  • I'm excited for Dave to change his first diaper.
  • Our local wine/liquor store (you cannot buy in the grocery stores in TN) just stocked my favorite gluten free beer on my request. It's Green's Endeavor. I already bought two and have them in the fridge ready to go.
  • I'm working from home from now until I go into labor. Which I am enjoying. I'm getting all caught up on HGTV.
  • I love our house.
  • I love my family.
  • I love my friends.
  • I love foot massages. I am going to get a pedicure on Saturday (Christmas gift from Dave) and a reflexology foot massage on Sunday.
  • I have a fear of the unknown... I don't know what day this baby is coming, I don't know if I'll go into labor on my own or need to be induced, I don't know how I'll deliver...
  • I'm pretty sure that if the girls on Sixteen and Pregnant can raise a child, Dave and I can, too.


  1. On the peeing your pants...just wait. You can probably kiss jumping jacks goodbye forever. :)

    Agreed about the maternity clothes- I wore mine until I had to go back to work.

    On the waiting for Lawson- you may have already done this, but make a list of things to do every day until he comes (up through 2 weeks after his due date) that you won't be able to do after you have a kid (read a book, take a nap, etc.). Relax on your mat. leave, assume Lawson will be at least a week late (most first babies are ~8 days overdue). Don't worry about the rest. You can't do anything about it. If you have questions about labor, what to expect, etc., you can give me a call. :)

  2. Thanks Meagan! No, I haven't made a list. That's a good idea. While I am still officially working, I'm just working from home until the big event. So I can work in naps (getting ready to take one now) and maybe baking something. I have all the materials to make burp cloths... maybe I can breakout my sewing machine one of these days. I am scheduled for induction at 1am on 2/15, which is 8 days beyond my due date. I am glad my doctor didn't want to wait until later because Dave leaves for Europe on 2/26 and I want them to have time to bond before he leaves. She was going to schedule the induction for 2/14, but I didn't want him to have a Valentine's bday - he'd have to spend the majority of his birthdays focusing on someone else. YUCK! :)
