Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I felt lil fab move!

Two weeks ago when I was at the doctor's office she asked if I had felt the baby move yet. I said I wasn't sure if I'd be able to tell the difference between gas and baby movement. :) Last night I thought I might have felt lil fab, but it was immediately after I finished some leftover pulled pork and garlic cheese grits (yum!!!), so I couldn't be sure. Tonight while I was sitting down after I ate dinner (granola and a banana) I thought I felt lil fab move. So I pushed in on my stomach to see if I'd get a response... and I did! Lil fab pushed back! It was awesome. It's so cool! Just thought I'd share. :)


  1. Very neat! I remember how cool it was once Everett kicked hard enough that I could feel it.

  2. The day you finally figure out that the "gas" has been baby all along is awesome! Congrats on feeling the first movement, and on the start of a whole new relationship with your child. :)

  3. That's so wonderful! I wonder if he/she will be an inside dancer or kicker. Even now Fab's personality will begin to show. It's a marvelous moment and it's so cool that you're getting to enjoy it now.
