Thursday, April 1, 2010

Thursday 3's

The weather is beautiful here today: 80 degrees and sunny! It's the first 80 degree day, and although I see highs in the 60's next week, I am going to enjoy this for the next few days. I was on a long walk with the boys today and was dreaming about coming home and having a glass of sweet tea (I'm making it right now). I was thinking last night about how I really wanted a glass of wine, and hadn't had one in 12 days! So today's question is:

What are your favorite three drinks?

Here is my answer:
1. A glass of Malbec, with a heavy handed pour
2. Homemade sweet tea - mine or Miss Dean tea (is that right Austin Noble's?)
3. Water - I really like water, and it's what I drink 95% of the time


  1. It's actually just Deane Tea. I'm glad you're enjoying it!

    I guess my favorites are iced tea (by far), then maybe Coke, and lemonade? Mostly I just drink tea and water.

  2. 1 - Milk! I'm on a bit of a milk resurgence lately.
    2 - Tea. Introduced to me by Meagan, and it's perfect on hot Texas days. I can't drink as much as she can, though!
    3 - Beer.

  3. 1- Green tea (iced or hot)
    2- Diet Coke
    3- Red Wine

    I drink lots of water but not my favorite by a long shot.

  4. Wow! So many of us like tea! Now I know what to stock if any of you come visit. :)

    Kevin - 2% or skim?

  5. 1 - I'm with you on the water. I try to drink a lot during the day, but I always seem to wake up thirsty. This morning, the first thing I did was wake up and drink a big glass of water. It's starting to get worse as the weather gets warmer and I'm running so much.

    2 - wine, red

    3 - milk (1% organic from Horizon)

    4 - I'll cheat and have a forth - I do love sweet tea, too, but I only allow myself to drink it at the beach. Real sugar only. It's soo good with the salt and sand!

  6. Sorry, no tea for me! My 3 are...
    1. Cherry Coke Zero - This is my compromise because I couldn't give up soda but I am not allowed Coke.

    2. Any red wine. Not real picky especially because my budget dictates I can only have the cheap shit. But I like it so it's ok.

    3. Starbucks white mocha. I would drink it everyday if I could!

  7. Still 2% milk for me (pronounced 'melk', btw).
