Thursday, November 18, 2010
It's happening
Dave got his official offer on my birthday. We were on the way to dinner and pulled over so we could listen intently to the woman from Mars. Dave put the phone on speaker so I could hear everything, too. He is getting a 22% increase in salary + 15% bonus + awesome relocation package. So we nullified my wimpy relo package so we could use his. His relo doesn't include a buyout of the house, but it includes a lot of other things such as 60 days temp housing in a furnished apartment, 8 weeks of groceries paid for ($100/wk) while we're in temp housing, 3% cash back on the sale of our Ohio home if we sell in the first 60 days, two house hunting trips, one trip back to Ohio every two weeks while our home is still on the market, paid closing costs and all realtor fees, and if we buy a new home in Tenn before the Ohio home is sold they will pay for the lower of the two mortgages for up to a year. Yes, you read that correctly. It's a great setup!
We visited our financial planner this week to get advice on how best to take advantage of everything. His advice: List our OH home VERY VERY aggressively and buy a new home in TN soon. In fact, we have about $248,000 into the home, we owe about $208,000 and we're probably going to list for $230,000. Does it give you a heart attack like it gave me?!?! There are 6 houses for sale on our street and our house makes #7. We will be the second lowest house on the street which makes us very competitive. The financial planner said any equity we can get out of this house will be good plus the 3% cash back will help - it will be approximately $6,500. All in all it is very stressful but we have a lot of "downside protection" as our planner would say. Our realtor is listing the house tomorrow and will host our first open house this Sunday. Let the offers start pouring in!!!
That's it for now. At some point I'll post pics of our finished basement and our now-staged new bedroom (finished attic).
Thanks for the support!
Monday, October 18, 2010
I got a job offer in Nashville!
I am very excited about the actual job. I will be Brand Manager (that's a promotion!) of design/upstream for Nutro Cat brands. I will launch a new brand and develop the masterplan of initiatives for Cat. Yes, this means I may have to overcome my fear of cats in order to do this job well. :) Thankfully people cannot bring cats to work, but everyone is welcome to bring their dogs to work. In fact, in my first interview of the day someone brought in her dog! Brad, my boss, just left P&G about 5 months ago. I love that he has the same background as I do and will be someone I can learn from. Everyone I met with I valued their backgrounds; that is very different than my experience with Hostess Brands. I actually didn't accept the Hostess Brands jobs for many reasons, but the main one being I didn't think I would learn anything from my boss there. I would have added a ton of value to that company, but not sure would've gotten any value from them. With Nutro Company, I will add some value but I will definitely learn a lot and grow my skill set which will make me much more marketable in the future. I am super excited and nervous at the same time!
Dave has his interview on Wednesday this week with Mars Petcare. Please, please, please think good thoughts about him from 1-5pm CST on Wednesday! It would be great if he gets this offer; that will make it much easier to move. We've decided to move to Nashville regardless, but having this offer in hand will make the decision easier and the move for me a ton easier.
Thank you all for being supportive through this entire process. We really appreciate it! I am excited about Nashville and the new job.
Love you all!
Friday, October 1, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Jobs Update
Dave Update: Dave had an interview last Monday with Tractor Supply Company in Nashville. He said it went pretty well. So now we're just waiting for a response. Dave has had a call from Mars Petcare saying they want to bring him down for an interview - but not in brand management anymore. Apparently the strategic insights group got ahold of his resume and really want him to interview for a position with their group. Dave's waiting to hear back from HR on a specific date. He wants the Mars Petcare job more than TSC, so we just have to hope the timing works out and he's lucky enough to have a decision to make!
Merritt Update: I got a call two weeks ago from Mars Petcare (The Nutro Company) to schedule an onsite interview in Nashville for 9/27. I was already scheduled to present in two classes that day at Notre Dame, so I had to decline and reschedule. I finally touched base with someone live after days of phone tag and rescheduled the interview for Friday, 10/8. I am excited and nervous all at the same time. I feel like it's my last chance to get a job - and it's definitely my only chance to get a job in Nashville since there aren't other traditional CPG company's there. Please let me know if this is cheesy or not: Because they let dogs roam the halls at Mars Petcare I was going to make dog toys for everyone I interview with. What do you think? I know the dogs have toys there because the HR woman I spoke with told me a story about a certain dog that steals all the dog toys throughout the day.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Bark in the Park
I couldn't twist this picture, but this is Parker just laying his head on my legs while I pet him. He liked the view - all the other dogs and people at the park.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Landscape Design
Monday, August 30, 2010
Another Update
Dave has had a ton of activity lately. He went to Nashville last Thursday night because he had a meeting with a Marketing Director from Mars Petcare at 7:30 am on Friday. It went very well and Dave really liked the guy. Dave got a call that afternoon from HR and he has a phone screen with Mars Petcare on Thursday this week. Dave also had a phone interview with Tractor Supply Company on Friday afternoon. It went very well and they want to bring him down for an onsite interview.
Anyway, that's it for now. Please send good vibes our way - even you Texas people!!! :)
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Turning Down the Hostess Offer
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Roller Coaster
Here is an update:
- Hostess (Dallas): The interview went very well last week and they gave me an offer! It's actually a pretty strong offer (although no signing bonus, which I will ask for if we decide to take the job), and they'll buy our house after 90 days on the market! That's awesome in this economy. For some reason I can't get really jazzed about this job. I think it will be a decent opportunity, but it's definitely risky since they are owned by private equity right now and have only been out of bankruptcy for 18 months.
- Frito-Lay (Dallas): UGH! They cancelled our interviews on Thursday, eight hours before our flight was scheduled. The reason is they are being asked to fill any open positions with internal people, not external candidates. I was very excited about this opportunity because 1) it's a great CPG company, and 2) Dave had an interview and was excited, too. It's very frustrating, but everything happens for a reason!
- Dr. Pepper/Snapple Group (Dallas): I have applied for three Brand Manager jobs through their website. One was on 6/1 and they restructured so the position was no longer available. Then on 7/14 I applied for BM of their Hispanic beverage brands, even though I don't have experience and I don't speak Spanish. :) This morning I applied for the Snapple BM job - and within an hour and a half they called me to set up a phone interview!! I am very excited about this one! The phone interview is scheduled for Monday at 10:00am. I'll post an update afterwards.
- Mars Petcare (Nashville): I applied for BM of Nutro - Cat today. Ha, ha, CATS! I have been playing phone tag with a Sr. BM from Mars who left P&G 10 weeks ago to work down there. He told me they are hiring so I went online today and officially applied. Hopefully I'll get to chat with him this week to touch base and get a better understanding about the opportunities at Mars Petcare.
That's it for now. Sorry it's been slow but it's been a roller coaster!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
I ran into my old mentor while in Columbus this week for work. She is the one who helped me get the Gain job. She left P&G last December and HATES her current job. I told her what I was up to and she sent a long note on her advice looking for a new job. I printed it out and am taking it on the plane with me today. The following is what she advises asking new companies:
- Does the company really believe investment in understanding the consumer and investment in marketing will make a difference? What have they done to prove that?
- Will marketing be the center of decisions? Will it still be the driving function?
- Is there a defined career path?
- What's the company culture?
- Ask myself: Do I like how leadership shows up in the press? And will I be comfortable with lest structure or process?
I have lots to think about this week - and a lot of preparation to do! Unfortunately I won't be able to wear my new pants and new heels for Monday's interview because I still need to wear the boot on my right ankle. I am hoping I'll be able to walk on my own by Friday so I can unveil the new clothes for the Frito interview.
Please send good vibes our way Monday and Friday!
Thanks and I'll keep you all posted.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Isn't this Weird?

Monday, July 12, 2010
My poor right ankle
Monday, July 5, 2010
Home Improvement 2010 - MOLDING AND WINDOW SEAT
Thursday, July 1, 2010
That was painful
It was the most painful interview I've had since 2000. Seriously. I feel defeated and a little beat up right now. My head hurts. My ego hurts. But the good news is I'm still in the game and learned a lot from this interview. Off to just watch TV or read and not think because my brain needs a break.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
First Onsite Interview Scheduled!
Monday, June 28, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Moving to a T State
Let me give you some history. On Labor Day, 2009, I came home and talked to Dave about moving. He's not been a big fan of Cincinnati for a while now. But that day I realized I didn't want to live here for very long, either. Over dinner we talked about wanting to move somewhere we could call home. We listed our top three cities of Nashville, Dallas and Atlanta and decided to move withing three to five years. Neither one of us was pulling for Atlanta, so it quickly fell off the list. By Christmas we decided we wanted to move in the beginning of 2011. I get fully vested in P&G's profit sharing (aka "golden handcuffs") on November 16, 2010 so that date was driving the timeline. By late May 2010 we decided we would start looking for new jobs now. I got news at work that I wouldn't be promoted until around December. I didn't want to stay at P&G another six months later to prove myself at that level before another company would want me/I felt comfortable leaving. So I called Dave from work right after my meeting with my boss and said, "are you ready to start looking?" And he of course said, "YES!" On the way home from work I called the four headhunters I keep in touch with and my two friends at Frito Lay to start the ball rolling. By the Tuesday after Memorial Day we had our resumes out on the internet and in the hands of headhunters and friends. We'll just try and negotiate the profit sharing I'm losing into my new contract if I end up leaving before November 16.
Dave and I are interested in the same kind of work - with consumer products goods companies. I like the brand management side and he is interested in consumer research. We are applying for jobs in both cities. Here is an update on our job progress:
- Mars Petcare. Mars is located in Nashville. Both Dave and I are working with headhunters for these jobs, so we don't have a ton of detail here. I heard back from my headhunter that I should know whether or not the company is interested in my just after July 4th. I don't Dave has heard anything back from his headhunter yet, but he started the process a couple weeks after I did through his headhunter. Dave did drive down to Nashville two weeks ago to meet a Notre Dame alumnus for lunch who works in Marketing at Mars. Unfortunately the guy wasn't very helpful. So it's a waiting game right now with this company.
- Frito Lay. We have both applied for jobs at Frito Lay in Plano (just outside of Dallas). I am applying for a Marketing Manager position (level under a brand manager but above my current position of Assistant Brand Manager). Dave applied for a job in Insights, their consumer research group. Dave has had a ton of success here. He's had two phone interviews and both interviewers recommended to HR that Dave come down to Plano for on site interviews. In fact, Dave has already sent his availability to the HR guy to schedule the visit. I'm a different story. Apparently Frito Lay is just as backed up in promoting people in brand management right now as P&G. So they had to get special permission to interview me because I'm coming in from the outside. The HR guy and my friend Carrie mentioned they had to decide if Frito Lay would take the risk in the fallout of hiring me versus someone who is waiting to get promoted from the inside. I am supposed to have my first phone interview this coming week. Please keep your fingers crossed!
- Hostess Brands. Yes, I applied for a brand manager job of bread. Funny, huh? I noticed the posting on a site called It's a great site, by the way. You just type in what keywords/position you want and the city. It shows a list of all the jobs out there on all sites - so compiles the available jobs in one place. Very convenient. Anyway, I noticed the Hostess Brands job posting, read the description, and thought it was a good fit. I applied that night through the company's website. I got an email the next day asking for my resume again (not sure what happened - but I know the guy could see it because he mentioned he went to Notre Dame, too). The HR guy called me on Thursday and scheduled an interview for Monday at 11am.
At the very earliest we may be gone by Labor Day weekend. We are doing some work on the house to make it presentable (finishing the basement, landscaping), but aren't going overboard.
That's it for now. I'm creating my "Cincinnati Bucket List" which mostly consists of places I want to eat before we go. If anyone is interested in visiting before Labor Day, come on!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
I've enjoyed the break...
- An awesome trip to Texas which included meeting Everett (he's so cute!), hanging out with Kevin and Meagan in Austin, eating darn good BBQ from a gas station, eating lunch with a sorority sister and her husband overlooking Lake Austin, a good gluten free meal at Kozy Kitchen in Dallas, a nice 4 mile run with my best friend Megan around White Rock Lake, a cookout with amazing brisket at our friend's house in Fort Worth (and we had five ND MBA's in attendance), making dinner with Megan and Stephen, touring Frito Lay headquarters and eating brisket tacos with Carrie in Plano, and I'm sure I'm leaving a ton of good stuff out.
- The home remodel is now complete! I owe you guys pictures, but take my word for it - the bathroom and the attic/now bedroom look awesome! I really enjoy taking a shower now because it's so pretty in there. The bedroom is great, too. We have moved the dog crates up there and so it's really Parker and Riggins' bedroom right now. We had to move them out of our room because we had a window seat installed and Riggins' crate wouldn't fit anymore. I made the window seat cushion, and it turned out pretty good for someone who hadn't used a sewing machine in over six years.
- Work has been crazy. I've presented to the General Manager/Vice President of NA Fabric Care, Global President of Fabric Care, and NA President of (everything) P&G. I don't see the madness slowing down until mid-August.
- We are beginning to get estimates for landscaping help. Our front steps and plantings are ugly; problem is it's all hardscape that Dave and I just aren't comfortable doing ourselves. We need help coming up with economical solutions to increase our curb appeal. We've also been trying to grow grass in the backyard for the last six weeks to no avail. Apparently it's impossible to grow grass back there because we have huge trees and no sun. Looks like we'll end up with ground cover, mulch and pebbles in the back - with lots of shade happy plants (think hosta, impatiens).
- I went to Chicago for research and had gluten free pizza twice and tons of peanut M&Ms. That was a highlight in the last month!
That's about all! I hope everyone is doing well.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Thursday 3's
What are the first three things you spend your lottery winnings on?
My answers:
- Alabama football box seats (and accompanying condo I'll need for staying down there on football weekends).
- New home in either Nashville or Dallas. One that's big enough to have a doggy playroom and a yard big enough you need to use a riding lawnmower (that's Dave's dream - a riding lawnmower).
- A week's vacation in Charleston with all the bells and whistles!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
I ran a romantic comedy!
My knees hurt pretty bad on Sunday afternoon and through sometime yesterday. The muscle tenderness didn't kick in until Monday morning. When I got up to walk to the bathroom I thought my calves were on fire! My quads were pretty sore as well. As of today I am walking like a normal person. It probably helps that I worked out yesterday and today and got the blood flowing again.
Overall, I love running. I just wish it didn't hurt my knees so bad. I will continue to run. I love running with the dogs (although I prefer Parker to Riggins purely based on behavior - Riggins is like "oh, squirrel!" and Parker is just content to be out and about), being outside, and doing something different than the elliptical or spin class. In order to keep running in my regular routine, I'll just be sure to stick between 3-5 miles.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Thursday 3's
This all got me thinking... there are only certain foods I would eat that would make me feel this miserable. That leads me to this week's Thursday 3: What three foods would you eat in excess, no matter the pain?
My answers:
1) Cheese bread from Sinfully Gluten Free in Miamisburg, Ohio. Meagan - do you remember eating it? On top of the crust is an olive oil with tons of seasoning in it. The cheese bread is amazing. It's better than the pizza. Yummy!
2) Cadbury Mini Eggs. These delectable treats are seriously a downfall of mine. I cannot have just one... or 15. I must eat the entire bag. I love the texture and the melt in your mouth delightfulness these mini eggs bring to my senses. Thanks mom for introducing them to me!
3) (this is from back in the day) Velveeta Shells and Cheese. I'd eat the whole box. It was such a great meal. I remember I had good intentions... at first I only poured half of the meal into my bowl... but undoubtedly I'd go back the for the second half 15 minutes later. I did find a "light" version by the time I moved to Boston, which I'm sure helped a little bit.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Flying Pig Marathon is this weekend!

I wore heels to work today and my knees were pretty uncomfortable. I fortunately left a pair of black flats under my desk for emergencies so I am now wearing those – they are much more comfy! I will have to switch back into heels for my meeting with three marketing directors this afternoon, but I’ll be comfortable until then.
Please send good vibes my way this Sunday morning. Not only will I be running my longest run in four years, but it is expected to rain all morning, too. Fortunately my leg of the relay goes right by my street so I’ll have Dave ready with dry socks for me just in case! You can track my progress (if you are at all interested) by getting text or email updates. Go to and go to Track Athletes. Fun! I am tracking Dave Heng, the guy who is leg 2, so I know when he’s getting close to me.
Here’s to a successful run!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Thursday 3's
What are you three favorite movies?
Mine are:
1) When Harry Met Sally
2) Sweet Home Alabama
3) Shag
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
OMG! My work is going to the VP of Global Marketing!
As you guys know I have been working on this big, top secret (externally, not internally) project for all the laundry brands. There is a ton going on right now and it's overwhelming. My director (boss's boss) just stopped by my desk and asked me to send him the brief I've done on this project. The brief is basically the strategy document for the project that we give agencies to execute against. The reason be asked for it is because our general manager (his boss) wants to talk it with Marc Pritchard tomorrow!!!! Marc is our VP of global marketing. Crazy! In reality, she won't share the brief with him, but she will use it as background for herself so she can talk the project in more detail. Very cool.
That's it. I just knew this group of people would be super excited for me!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Thursday 3's
If you had one more hour in your day, how would you spend it?
My answers:
1) Sleep!
2) Pilates - I find it very relaxing and challenging at the same time
3) Catching up on DVR'd shows
What about you?
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Thursday 3's
Today is a very rainy day here in Cincinnati. The rain is ushered in by a cold front which is dropping temps in to the mid-50s all day. It's a stark difference from the 80s we enjoyed this weekend. Anyway, I love the rain. I learned to appreciate it when I lived in Albuquerque where it is very brown due to the dry weather. Rain=green, rain=life.
What are your three favorite things to do on a rainy day?
My answers:
1) Take a nap with the window opened slightly
2) Lay on the couch reading while looking out the window (periodically, of course, since I'm reading)
3) Go outside under a covered porch and watch the rain, with a glass of tea and something to read
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Thursday 3's
What are your favorite three drinks?
Here is my answer:
1. A glass of Malbec, with a heavy handed pour
2. Homemade sweet tea - mine or Miss Dean tea (is that right Austin Noble's?)
3. Water - I really like water, and it's what I drink 95% of the time
I'm Not Eating 18 Egg Whites a Day

Tuesday, March 30, 2010
I'm a regular!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Thursday 3's
In honor of Dave and I recently signing the contract to remodel our bathroom and finish our attic, today's question is the following: What three updates do you want to do on your home next?
My answers:
- Redo our "curb appeal" which includes new concrete steps to the front porch, repainting the porch, new flower beds with new retaining wall and a new retaining wall for the driveway.
- Finish the basement. First and foremost we need to get our electrical up to date. It would be ideal to add another bathroom - rather - add more than just a toilet which is currently there.
- Upgrade our kitchen counter tops to granite, instead of the fake wood they are now.
What are your answers?
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
It's Official!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Thursday 3's
The weather here was beautiful today. After my last appointment of the day my car said the ambient temperature was 73 degrees! I know it didn't get out of the 60's today and my car was warm from sitting in the sun, but the warmer weather inspired me to go through the drive-thru at Wendy's to get an original Frosty. I ordered a small, which is only $0.99 and 320 calories, then came home and played with Riggins in the backyard while I ate the Frosty (with a spoon, of course).
So, today's Thursday 3's is: What three things do you most enjoy getting through a drive-thru window?
My answers:
1) Starbucks - most recently I'm addicted to Dark Cherry Mocha's.
2) Apparently Frosty's on a nice, warm day
3) Burger King Double Cheeseburger, no mustard, onion rings, and a diet Coke. Yes that's from many years ago, but I still dream about it.
What about you?
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Earning My Pay
About 6 weeks ago I was told I would take over Project Jewel (all of our projects have code names so the competition won't know what we're doing - very sneaky - so I won't say here what it is either) once a coworker of mine took a new job on the Target team in Minneapolis. As of March 1 I took 100% commercial leadership of this project. So that means I lead all the commercial functions (market research, assistant brand managers on other brands, finance, sales) and there is one guy in charge of all the technical functions (products research, product supply, etc.). And it's a biggie. Jewel is the biggest project Fabric Care has seen in two years, and it's the biggest one planned through 2016. During my second week I put together a presentation for our new General Manager. For perspective, she's my boss's boss's boss's boss. And reports to the President of Global Fabric Care. Initially the presentation meeting would include the General Manager, my director and one other assistant brand manager. It turned out to be the "hottest ticket in town" because of the importance of the project. We ended up having 20-25 people in the room to watch the "show". The presentation went very well and was a great way for me to learn the commercial aspect of the project very quickly.
Anyway, I had a meeting with my boss yesterday and I was telling him what I want to focus on with Project Jewel; basically sharing with him where I want to make a big impact. I didn't make a presentation or prepare a formal talk sheet. I just spoke with him. And his response was great! He was like "that's it Merritt! I knew you could envision and I've loved seeing you so action oriented over the last two weeks." For those of you who remember, my boss had given me the feedback that I needed to work on my "envisioning" skill. Well, looks like I'm well on my way of putting a check in the envisioning column! All the late nights and weekend work is paying off.
Must. Go. To. Bed. I've got another 8am meeting tomorrow!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Great start to the day!

Sunday, March 7, 2010
New Year's Resolution - Update
1. Reduce the number of times I crack my knuckles each day. Done! I rarely crack my knuckles on purpose - it's maybe three times since the beginning of 2010. I do crack a knuckle or two once a day, usually by accident when I am applying lotion to my hands. But that's a steep decline in the number of times I cracked my knuckles in 2009 - which was closer to once/ten minutes or so. It was gross and not lady like at all. I feel so much better now!
2. Run in a race. I am off to a good start with this one! I am signed up to run a relay in the Flying Pig Marathon the first weekend in May. I started off on the treadmill by walking 3 minutes, running two, walking two, running two for a total of 45 minutes. I remember feeling great after my first treadmill walk/run. I've been running at least once a week at the gym and finally worked my way up to running four miles in a row last Monday morning! Yes, four miles in a row! The last time I ran that many miles in a row was during the actual Music City Half Marathon in April 2006. I am feeling so good now running. My knees hurt afterward, but I can still walk. I made the mistake of wearing high heels to work last Monday after my run and was limping my day's end. Some other things I've learned about myself by running: a) I look awful after a run, kind of like I was runover by a truck during a rainstorm; and b) I hate running in shorts. The shorts always rise up between my legs and it's annoying. I will only run in capri Nike pants now.
3. Start a family. Not really making any progress here. If this gives you an idea... The other day we were watching Teen Mom on MTV (I love that show) and we watched a girl give birth and they offered that the mom/grandma could cut the cord. So I asked Dave if he would cut the cord. He thought about it for a second and said, "no, I think it should be a family affair and maybe Riggins could bite the cord." I want to have a family when Dave's ready, so I'll wait. This is a true test of patience!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Worst. Blogger. Ever.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
A True Matriarch
In any case, my Great Grandma was an amazing woman. The first thing I think of is how she was a true Matriarch of the Noble family. Her husband, Rollin, passed away before I was born and she carried the torch for the family. She is survived by 4 children, 13 grandchildren, 30 great grandchildren and three great great grandchildren!
I want to share some of my favorite memories of my Great Grandma Noble here.
- She always made pistachio pudding and I learned to like it.
- I remember braiding the tassels that acted as a skirt around the bottom of her couch.
- I remember making forts inside her living room with sheets and whatever else she had around.
- I also remember making a fort outside in the bushes near the side door.
- She had such a big appetite! I took her and Grandma Noble to Wendy's for dinner when I lived in Michigan in 2003. I had raved about the chicken ranch sandwich and so they suggested I take them there to try it. Great Grandma ate the entire thing - no crumbs remained - and her order of fries! I couldn't believe it. She was 91 at the time. :)
- She used to send me flattened flowers from her garden. It wouldn't be surprising to get a violet in the mail... or the leaves off the big pine tree in her yard when the leaves were turning colors.
- I remember playing "telephone" using the two pipes on the cement block just off her side door/deck.
- She was the nicest lady you'll ever meet, and very selfless. At her funeral the pastor mentioned how many people had made comments over her lifetime that she's as close to a saint as anyone has known. Then my dad shared a story about how Great Grandma walked out onto the ice over Brevort Lake one winter... and the pastor said "Wow! She truly walked on water."
Five people spoke at the funeral, and it was great to learn more and more about my Great Grandma through all the stories. They ranged from how adventurous she was, how she lived to serve Christ, and funny stories from friends. Overall, it was much more a celebration of this wonderful woman we were so blessed to know. God bless you, Great Grandma Noble. And thank you.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Bonding with Mr. P

Thursday, January 28, 2010
People are Inherently Good
As I was pulling into the Starbucks parking lot yesterday morning (it was Wednesday!) a guy in a yellow jeep disregarded my right of way and almost cut me off. I honked, sans middle finger, and kept on my merry way. I parked in the first spot I saw open, though it was kind of far from the front door, just so I could avoid this person. I never saw the jeep driver get out of his car. I was disappointed by a middle-aged man who didn't hold the door for me to enter Starbucks, but rather hurried himself through the door forgetting about me. I thought this must definitely be the rude guy from the jeep. But it wasn't. I waited in line, paid for my drink, and a man in his mid to late 20's approached me. He said "I'm sorry." And I said "what?" I wasn't sure why this guy was approaching me. He called himself "the guy from the jeep" and apologized for cutting me off. He said he was in a big hurry and just wasn't paying attention. I accepted his apology, we both wished each other a good day, and then he went on his way. WOW! I was very impressed. Looking back I noticed the jeep guy waiting a few feet away from the cash register while I was in line. He already had his drink, but he waited for me to get through the line before approaching me. So even though he was in a hurry he waited for me to order and pay before apologizing to me. Maybe it doesn't take much to impress me. But it made me realize that there are good people in this world! I hope he had a great rest of his day and got where he needed to go on time.
Two additional examples of how good people really are:
1) I had a flight from Atlanta to Los Angeles on my trip to see Alabama play in the BCS National Championship game. I boarded the flight, was happy to have a window seat and a small woman as my seat mate. I noticed she was talking to a gentleman a few rows back. I asked if it was her husband and she said it was. I offered to switch with him so they could sit together. She was worried that I wouldn't want to sit in an aisle seat but I assured her it was no big deal. I made the switch and was content in my new seat, albeit a little less comfortable due to my new, heavier set seat mate (but it turns out this guy is a doctor in a small town in Alabama who has my friend's mom as a patient - although I'm pretty sure he wasn't supposed to tell me that she was a patient). About one hour into the five hour flight the flight attendants made the rounds with snacks and drinks. When they got to me a flight attendant asked me if I was the lady who switched with the gentleman so he could sit with his wife. I replied that yes, I was the one. She said he wanted to buy me a cocktail or snack as a thank you. I declined, because I was really happy to have helped them; it was such a simple gesture! Okay, and I already had a bag of the $2 peanut M&M's in my hands. And I would have felt guilty for ordering a $7 red wine. I thought it was great that he appreciated the gesture and wanted to show his appreciation.
2) I don't remember the details of this example, as it happened years ago when I lived in Albuquerque. Back then I went to church every week. That church is actually the only church I really enjoyed in all the places I've lived. I have never found anything quite like it. Anyway, I usually sat up front because once I sat in the back and a guy in the row next to mine was clipping his fingernails. Seriously. It was disgusting. After the service on this particular Sunday I was making my way from the front of the church to the exit when I young girl, approximately seven years old, allowed me to exit in front of her. It was so simple, but made a huge impact. Out of all three examples I've shared here, this is the only one that brought me to tears. I was overwhelmed with emotion at her simple, polite gesture. And from such a young girl! It made me think we all want to do good, but bad habits develop over the years and society doesn't really reward good behavior.
Good deeds fill me with joy. I look forward to spreading some joy to others based on my recent inspiration from jeep guy, airplane guy, and little girl.
Note: I am not the best writer. I never have been. Maybe throughout this process I will improve. Here's to hoping!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Great Shopping Day!
I headed to Kenwood Mall, which is the nicest in the tri-state area, and very close at only 3 miles up the interstate. I first visited Aveda where I had two post card offers for free product. I picked up a free travel-size body wash and a personalized full-sized lotion. I was off to a great start!
Then I headed to Ann Taylor where I went to specifically by a pair of nude color patent heels. The heels were there, but the employee told me Ann Taylor no longer carries size 9 1/2. What? That's crazy... and made me feel like a freak. I'll admit, I have big feet for someone who is 5'4". I left discouraged. Once I left the store I whipped out my cell phone and looked on Ann Taylor's website... there they were: the patent shoe, in the correct color, in a 9 1/2! So I decided when I got home I would get online and buy them, using my 40% off coupon.
I ran by Starbucks on my way to Macy's and ordered a tall, non fat Caramel Macchiato, light foam to lift my spirits. I paid for the tall and waited for the barista to make my drink. The barista called out for a grande, non fat Caramel Macchiato, light foam. Yea! They made the bigger size by accident and told me I was free to go on my merry way with the grande. Score!
I went to Macy's to look for workout clothes, but didn't find anything I liked. I walked around and found a cute jersey wrap dress. It has a bright pink on it which made me nervous so I took pictures of me wearing it and emailed them to Mom and Kenzie. Both gave me their approval so I bought it! I had enough gift cards that the $89.99 dress cost me $17.91! I was on a roll.
After a stroll through Nordstrom to buy a new pair of Spanx for the new dress and to Dick's for a new pair of Nike pants to run in, I came home. I immediately got online to search for the Ann Taylor heels. I made it through to the purchase, went to apply the coupon code, and realized the coupon was for in-store only. AHHHHHHH! So I called Ann Taylor customer service to explain my ordeal. The lady on the phone told me she couldn't apply the in-store coupon code because the system wouldn't accept it online. But she did have a 30% off code she could apply, which didn't beat my 40% off code, but at least it would work. So I asked for free shipping and said she could do it as a one time courtesy. Woo hoo! After applying the code, free shipping, and my gift cards the $155 shoes cost me $0!!
Anyway, I got nearly $350 worth of items today and only paid $100. I consider that not just a great day of shopping, but an awesome one.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Day o' Merritt
After I dropped the dogs off, I headed to the gym to take a Pilates class. Today was a full class - all women (my class last Thursday morning was all men, except me) - and it was great! We started off the same way as always, with our backs on the moving thing (forgive me, I do not know all the technical terms) and our feet on the bar. But then we stood up, with one foot on the stationary part and then our other foot on the moving thing. We did lunges and it really worked the inside of my thighs. It burned and it felt awesome! Then I went to the treadmill and ran. I really rocked it today! I ended up walking/running four miles... and one of those miles I ran consecutively. I know that doesn't seem like a lot, but I've got to start somewhere. My knees made it through the workout! That's the best news. Although tonight my right knee is very sore. I should have iced it this afternoon but it's so cold. I just cannot imagine purposely making myself even colder!
Next I ran some errands. I went to Kroger for shaving cream and razors. Then I was off to Whole Foods to get gluten free bread crumbs which I need for dinner tonight. I also treated myself to a one serving gluten free cheesecake. It was delicious! After Whole Foods I went to Petsmart to pick up dog food. Once I was home I showered, ate lunch, and then sat down on the couch with the heating blanket and a book. I read for about five minutes before my eyelids started closing. So I turned off the light and took a nap on the couch for an hour. It was great! I loved it. Then I watched a little bit of House Hunters before finishing my book. At about 5:30 I got up to get the computer out and in walked all three of my boys. Dave picked up the dogs, which I hadn't expected. It was a nice gesture.
The Day o' Merritt is officially over. I've got to finish a creative brief for my agency. They have a meeting tomorrow to discuss my project and I want to have the strategic document ready for them. Dave has gone off to the gym so I'll start working on dinner soon. Not sure if we are having Chicken, Spinach, and Mushroom Risotto or Pecan Encrusted Pork. I am thinking Risotto... it's one of my favorites. I just wish I had a glass of red wine to enjoy while I cooked... that would be a great way to finish the day.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Wednesday Mornings
Today is the exception because I HAD to finish a one-pager (that's P&G speak for a Recommendation in a really anal format, which I happen to appreciate because someone else set the vision for this format and now all I have to do is execute) for a 10:30 AM meeting. Upon finishing my one-pager I was inspired to write here because of the mother and son duo who happened to sit down next to me. I know it's a free country and I am not sitting at the Library in an adult only section, but I was completely annoyed when they first sat down. The boy, approximately 4 years old, was wild. Apparently his mother likes him this way because he had his own Starbucks in hand! He was unruly until his mother handed over her iPhone. I overheard her saying to him, "just wait, I am trying to find you WiFi." He is so young! What is this world coming to? At that age I would have been happy with a educational workbook (thanks Mom).
Anyway, one of the side benefits of sitting at Starbucks on Wednesday mornings is the ability to people watch. There are so many interesting people in this world. We are all so different. And I appreciate the diversity because this world would be very boring if we were all the same. Which brings be back to the vision setters - thank you! - because I really like to execute.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
New Year's Resolutions
Anyway, this year I have three resolutions (in priority order):
1) Reduce the number of times I crack my knuckles each day. Notice this is reduce, not eliminate. So far I am doing pretty well. I think I've cracked my knuckles about twice a day over the last four days of this New Year. And I used to do it two times an hour, at least. It's completely out of habit and sometimes happens by mistake.
2) Run in a race. This one surprises even me! After the damage I did to my knees while training for the half marathon in 2006 I never thought I would run again. But I miss what running did for my mental health. I have been working with a trainer at our gym once/week for almost two years now, and he has been super helpful at getting me to strengthen the muscles around my knee. I hope to run a relay leg (approximately 7 miles) of the Flying Pig Marathon in Cincinnati the first weekend in May.
3) Start a family.
What are your New Year's Resolutions?