Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Bark in the Park

Riggins really enjoyed play tug of war with the rope and tennis ball toy they handed out as we entered the stadium. Parker just enjoyed chewing the plastic part.

Mr. Parker before the game.

I couldn't twist this picture, but this is Parker just laying his head on my legs while I pet him. He liked the view - all the other dogs and people at the park.

Me and Parker - before he spilled my diet coke down my shirt (I had no idea he would try to drink from my cup while I was drinking from my cup!).

Dave and Riggins before the game started. That's the only time Riggins sat still all night.

Dave, Parker, Riggins and I had a great time at Bark in the Park last night. Eukanuba and Iams (P&G brands) sponsored the event at Great American Ballpark where the Cincinnati Reds play. It was a great night to be outside - 75 degrees and a slight breeze. Unfortunately the Reds lost but they are still at the top of their division.

1 comment:

  1. This looks like so much fun! I can't even imagine taking Knuckles to such an event - maybe in a couple years. My condolences to the Reds although it looks like a good time regardless. Way cool.
