Sunday, July 25, 2010


I have two interviews in Dallas this week, and Dave has one! I leave this evening for Dallas and interview tomorrow with Hostess Brands. Then Dave and I both fly back down to Dallas on Thursday night to interview with Frito Lay on Friday. I'm nervous for both interviews! I want the Frito job more than the Hostess job, so I'm glad I interview with Hostess first to get more practice. I'm interviewing for both the Brand Manager of Snack Cakes and Brand Manager of Bread at Hostess. I'm going for a marketing manager (brand management) job at Frito and Dave is interviewing for a consumer insights role. It sounds to me like Frito really likes Dave. Someone from PepsiCo (parent company) called Dave last week and asked him how soon he could start if they gave him an offer. He told them 30-45 days!

I ran into my old mentor while in Columbus this week for work. She is the one who helped me get the Gain job. She left P&G last December and HATES her current job. I told her what I was up to and she sent a long note on her advice looking for a new job. I printed it out and am taking it on the plane with me today. The following is what she advises asking new companies:
  • Does the company really believe investment in understanding the consumer and investment in marketing will make a difference? What have they done to prove that?
  • Will marketing be the center of decisions? Will it still be the driving function?
  • Is there a defined career path?
  • What's the company culture?
  • Ask myself: Do I like how leadership shows up in the press? And will I be comfortable with lest structure or process?

I have lots to think about this week - and a lot of preparation to do! Unfortunately I won't be able to wear my new pants and new heels for Monday's interview because I still need to wear the boot on my right ankle. I am hoping I'll be able to walk on my own by Friday so I can unveil the new clothes for the Frito interview.

Please send good vibes our way Monday and Friday!

Thanks and I'll keep you all posted.