Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thursday 3's

I want to say "thank you" to my mom and sister for participating in last week's inaugural Thursday 3's post. Hopefully this catches on a little more this week; I have a goal of three comments. :)

In honor of Dave and I recently signing the contract to remodel our bathroom and finish our attic, today's question is the following: What three updates do you want to do on your home next?

My answers:
  1. Redo our "curb appeal" which includes new concrete steps to the front porch, repainting the porch, new flower beds with new retaining wall and a new retaining wall for the driveway.
  2. Finish the basement. First and foremost we need to get our electrical up to date. It would be ideal to add another bathroom - rather - add more than just a toilet which is currently there.
  3. Upgrade our kitchen counter tops to granite, instead of the fake wood they are now.

What are your answers?


  1. Only one goal - have a home in the first place. I pick a house on the market in Austin and then fall asleep renovating it in my mind.

  2. I like this one better so I'll play. :)
    1. I would love a back patio for fun outdoor meals & entertaining. Our two concrete slabs are less than charming.
    2. We need more curb appeal too, so I'd love to have a landscaper do our front & back yards.
    3. Our kitchen is great, but we'd like new cabinets. We looked into this briefly a few months ago before reality hit.

  3. House stuff is fun!
    1 - New kitchen! This includes cabinets, but may involve making it slightly bigger. I spend a lot of time there and want better space utilization and drawers that don't fall apart.
    2 - Doors that shut properly. Not sure why, but it's always been this way; the doors don't close properly in this house. Not sure how to fix this, but wish we could.
    3 - Backyard update. We spend a lot of time here, so an actual patio instead of concrete slab would be nice. We need some new trees and landscaping around the rear.

  4. 4 comments!

    1. Landscaping - we are actually doing this in our front yard since the snow storm reduced our glorious tree to just kind of eh.

    2. My bathroom. Everything. I would especially like a shower hot water knob that doesn't fall off.

    3. Addition - behind/beside the master bedroom: add on space for a bigger bathroom, closet, and mud room/hallway.

  5. Woo hoo! Thanks guys! Much appreciated. It's great to hear what everyone else wants to do with their homes. I'll post pre and post pics of our renovations.

  6. Well, my improvements aren't very exciting since I live in an apt. and don't really have a life! :-) But the following things would be nice...
    1. A bookcase. It is a little sad that the few books I have left hang out in boxes.
    2. Put up stuff on my walls. I have some black and white NYC photos that I really like that are covered in dust and stacked in the closet. I also want to make a Steelers collage with old calendars and saved sports pages (in preparation for the day that I can dedicate a room to them!)
    3. Get an overstuffed loveseat and ottoman. A chair would be too small for me and Silly and the only semi-comfy place for me to relax is my bed.
