Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Earning My Pay

Work is killing me right now.

About 6 weeks ago I was told I would take over Project Jewel (all of our projects have code names so the competition won't know what we're doing - very sneaky - so I won't say here what it is either) once a coworker of mine took a new job on the Target team in Minneapolis. As of March 1 I took 100% commercial leadership of this project. So that means I lead all the commercial functions (market research, assistant brand managers on other brands, finance, sales) and there is one guy in charge of all the technical functions (products research, product supply, etc.). And it's a biggie. Jewel is the biggest project Fabric Care has seen in two years, and it's the biggest one planned through 2016. During my second week I put together a presentation for our new General Manager. For perspective, she's my boss's boss's boss's boss. And reports to the President of Global Fabric Care. Initially the presentation meeting would include the General Manager, my director and one other assistant brand manager. It turned out to be the "hottest ticket in town" because of the importance of the project. We ended up having 20-25 people in the room to watch the "show". The presentation went very well and was a great way for me to learn the commercial aspect of the project very quickly.

Anyway, I had a meeting with my boss yesterday and I was telling him what I want to focus on with Project Jewel; basically sharing with him where I want to make a big impact. I didn't make a presentation or prepare a formal talk sheet. I just spoke with him. And his response was great! He was like "that's it Merritt! I knew you could envision and I've loved seeing you so action oriented over the last two weeks." For those of you who remember, my boss had given me the feedback that I needed to work on my "envisioning" skill. Well, looks like I'm well on my way of putting a check in the envisioning column! All the late nights and weekend work is paying off.

Must. Go. To. Bed. I've got another 8am meeting tomorrow!


  1. I am so freaking proud of you. I remember how you first felt with your boss' view of your envisioning skill. Bosses like that, who will encourage the growth of their employees, are rare (though that's a shame). Remember this when you're the boss. Way to go Corporate Rock Star!

  2. Yay for you rocking on with your bad self! Congrats!
