Monday, February 6, 2012

T-1 Day

And I'm freakin' miserable.

This morning just wrapped up another 36 hour marathon session of meaningless, painful contractions. I'm not sleeping well so I'm very tired and irritable. And I'm completely uncomfortable. Even up through last Wednesday morning I would have told you everything is great! But once these contractions started I have taken a nose dive from an emotional and physical stand point. I have a doctor's appointment on Wednesday at 8:30am, and I am going to beg her to get this kid out of me that day. I'm not sure I can make it to 2/15. I hope I go on my own in the next 24 hours, but I'm not holding my breath. What I wouldn't give for my water to break now so they'd have to get him out! Enough complaining...

Per Meagan's suggestion, I'm trying to keep busy. On Saturday I decided to make burp cloths. It's an idea I got from Pinterest. I broke out my sewing machine (and got it working after a few video tutorials on how to thread the bobbin and needle!) and got to work. I used cloth diapers and fabric I bought at the local fabric store. Now lil fab will have some good Alabama burp cloths!

On Sunday I kept myself busy trying to keep sane in between contractions. That included a trip to the Foot Spa for a reflexology massage (which didn't put me into active labor). And today I was so worn out that between work, trying to nap, and walking Parker I haven't had much energy to work anything else in. I do have a gluten free cookbook out that I will look through tonight. It's from Blackbird Bakery in Austin! My mom got me a birthday cake from there for my 32nd birthday and it was great. I bought the cookbook here in Nashville when I took a gluten free cooking class in the spring. I have never baked a recipe from this book, but figure now is a good time. I'll keep myself busy tomorrow by going to the grocery store and then by baking whatever it is I select.


  1. Merritt, first of all, I'm so sorry you're miserable. Contractions are hard, and any sustained pain is even harder. BUT, I don't think contractions are ever meaningless. Every contraction is working on your cervix (even the tiniest bit), so I wouldn't be surprised if you went in on Wednesday and had made some pretty good progress.

    At the risk of giving you unwanted advice, please think hard about the decision to induce early (and your due date is early). While it can work really well if your body is ready, it can be really difficult if it's not. Think 40 hours of pitocin contractions. I hate to even say anything because it's such a personal decision, but I don't want to see you go through a really long, traumatic experience, ending in an unwanted c-section. (Unless you want it, in which case skip the 40-hour pitocin prelude. :)

    Enjoy laboring at home as long as you can, watch some funny movies, drink a glass of wine, go for loooonnng walks. (I can vouch for the alcohol and the walks as ute-stimulants from my experience last week.) It sounds like Lawson will come any day now, and it will be so much easier when he's ready.

    Your burp cloths will be the cutest thing a baby's ever barfed on! ;-) Good luck, and we can't wait to meet him!

  2. Thanks for the encouragment. Although, you and I both know we are different when it comes to how we approach childbirth. :) I know your unsolicited advice truly comes from a good place.

    I actually didn't add the red ribbon border on those burp cloths because it just felt like a waste with all the spit up they will see!

    And I cannot wait for Lawson to meet his TX family. When are you guys coming up?!?! :)

  3. I know we are different, and I'm not trying to change your approach at all. Just trying to let you know your hard work over the last few days hasn't been for nothing. Maybe that'll help you get through it a little? Pre-labor contractions are good; they mean your body knows what to do and is practicing. It's the people that have NO contractions that are in more trouble.

    Also, induction works great for some people, and maybe your body is at that tipping point and it'll go smoothly. But we just saw a good friend go through a looong labor and c-section because she was induced 5 days after her due date (too early for that kiddo). I saw it coming, but I felt like I couldn't say NOOOO!! I don't want you to have that experience; it can be better.

    Re: burp cloths - you may get lucky. Everett actually hardly ever spit up. (While some of his peers were vomiting huge volumes.) Maybe if Lawson holds his milk well you can sew those ribbons on later. You know, with all your free time. :-D

    We are trying to figure out a good time to come visit. Hopefully soon! I can't wait to see Lawson and your new house (and you guys too)! :)

  4. Also, thinking about your contractions, has your dr said what position Lawson is in? I'm assuming he's head down, but is his spine against your front? If he's in a weird position, the contractions might be lining him up right. And if you do go for the induction, just please make sure he IS in the right position (they can tell with their hands or u/s). Bad position makes for long, difficult, painful labor.

    I tell you this because surprisingly (or not) our friend's dr never told her her baby was sunny side up; they went ahead and induced her anyway. I think some/most OB's either don't know or don't care about these things, and may not tell you.

    Happy due date, by the way! :)

  5. Whoa... that sucks! Induced when he was not even head down? Yikes. Lawson is head down and has been for weeks/maybe months. She could tell with her hands but we had an impromptu ultrasound three weeks ago to 1) ensure he was still head down because he had risen off my cervix (WRONG WAY BUDDY!), 2) ensure we still had a good amount of amniotic fluid in there, and 3) for me to see his heart beat because she had trouble finding it initially on doppler. Last week he was back down where he is supposed to be.

    You are right, these contractions are accomplishing something, I'm sure. He is much lower, too, which is why I'm uncomfortable even in maternity jeans right now. My firm goal for tomorrow is 2cm dilated, with a stretch (no pun intended!) goal of 3cm.

  6. Baby was head down - just turned spine-to-spine with mom. Before you let anyone induce you, make sure his back is lying against your belly button. Spine-to-spine is what causes back labor, which is very painful and makes for slow progress. (Ev was facing the wrong way at around 30 weeks, and I worked like hell to turn him around.) It's not super common, but I think some babies do wait until the last minute to get in the right spot.

    I thought of that because I've read a lot of birth stories where women have really painful, seemingly unproductive contractions for a long time, and it turns out the baby was facing the wrong way and turning him/herself around. Once the baby gets in the right spot, it usually goes much faster. I hope all these contractions are doing something, or at least getting you nice and warmed up for a quick(ish) labor once you get going. We'll be thinking about you. Try to enjoy your last few days without an outside baby! :)

  7. Can't wait to hear the word tomorrow. Or maybe I'll get a call tonight telling me Lawson is on the way! By the time Kenzie came out, I was crazed.
