Sunday, July 24, 2011

Pancake Heaven

Yesterday when I got home from my pilates class and massage I decided I wanted pancakes for lunch. I made oatmeal pancakes the weekend before that weren't great and knew I didn't want to leave this weekend's pancakes up to a weak recipe. So I called my Dad and asked for his pancake recipe. I have a copy, but it's in storage in Georgia. The recipe doesn't have exact measurements so as my Dad was talking I was getting the ingredients out of the cupboard and refrigerator. I put together all the ingredients pretty well for a first time "eye-baller".

They look pretty normal, right?

Then today I decided I needed pancakes for lunch again. That's right, needed. :)  I decided to use my dad's recipe as the base and throw in some oatmeal and bananas. These pancakes turned out just as good, albeit a little bit heavier. I didn't eat again for another five hours!

Don't they look yummy?

Right now I've got stuffed zucchini in the oven. See... I do branch out for dinner!


  1. Those look good. We had pancakes this morning! Coffee and pancakes is a great way to start out a Sunday.

  2. Are you off GF? I seem to remember that Doug's version of pancakes use flour... But they look delicious. Glad you enjoyed them.

  3. Yes, I'm still gluten free (always!). I used gluten free flour and gluten free oats to make the pancakes.

    1) I cannot believe you didn't comment on my BBQ post below!
    2) I ate four large pancakes, which is equivalent to approximately eight normal sized Dad pancakes. Consider yourself challenged. :)

  4. Ooh, the oatmeal and banana look great! We'll have to try that. And yes, Doug's pancakes are a little on the heavy side already. :)
