Thursday, April 8, 2010

Thursday 3's

Wow... slow blogging week for me. Sorry! We were super busy this weekend getting ready for the renovations that start today at our house. And work was kicking my butt at the beginning of this week - working until 10pm on Monday and skipping the gym Tuesday to get in to the office before 7am. I see the light at the end of the tunnel now!

Today is a very rainy day here in Cincinnati. The rain is ushered in by a cold front which is dropping temps in to the mid-50s all day. It's a stark difference from the 80s we enjoyed this weekend. Anyway, I love the rain. I learned to appreciate it when I lived in Albuquerque where it is very brown due to the dry weather. Rain=green, rain=life.

What are your three favorite things to do on a rainy day?

My answers:
1) Take a nap with the window opened slightly
2) Lay on the couch reading while looking out the window (periodically, of course, since I'm reading)
3) Go outside under a covered porch and watch the rain, with a glass of tea and something to read


  1. I love taking a nap too! And reading on the couch looking out the windows, with the dogs curled up at my feet. That's pretty much it. :) I guess it was also fun when Kevin and I went to visit a winery here in Texas, and there was a crazy storm, so we sat out on the porch tasting wine and watching the rain come down over the vineyard. (Your third one reminded me of that, but that's not something we do regularly.)

  2. 1 - Play video games on the couch in my pajamas.
    2 - Watch a movie on the couch with Meagan, Everett, and the kids.
    3 - Reading.

  3. 1-Snuggle in bed with extra blankets and a good book.
    2- Following #1 is the automatic nap.
    3- Order in pizza and eat it while watching old, standard movies like "When Harry Met Sally".

  4. I like to hide inside and pretend it is not shitty out. I really hate rain!
